The HPA is a voluntary organisation raising money and promoting the area with one aim:
to help build sustainable business. We want to ensure that residents and visitors alike can enjoy and share these wonderful landscapes for generations to come. That’s only possible if we have thriving communities.
We recognise that, alongside the individual work each of us does to promote ourselves, we can achieve even more – and make some things much easier – by also working collaboratively. But to be even more successful, we need more businesses – of all types – working with us. The more there is to promote, the richer the picture of the Hartland area, and the more new and repeat business we capture.
Over the last few years we’ve developed an up-to-date armoury of tools: a very high quality website, a printed and distributed brochure, extensive social networking and comprehensive information in PDF, film, audio and online formats. We actively seek press, media and exhibition interest and respond 363 days a year to media and customer enquiries.
For £4, £6 or £8 per month you can benefit from all this and help us do even more. We keep costs down by attracting funding and grants to deliver these professional tools and then doing everything except the graphic design and IT infrastructure voluntarily.
For 2021 we have suspended our brochure production and hope to return to normal in 2022. Subsequently, all paid up memberships will roll over for 2022 and be included in the next brochure. Normally, the high quality brochure is distributed across North Devon and locally around the area. The A3 fold out format will feature a map and listings. It provides an area and landscapes guide, things to see & do, food & drink and places to stay and is widely distributed across the region through stands, local businesses and accommodation providers.
How to join/renew
Membership gives you all the benefits listed to the right including being featured on the map and in the listings of the brochure. Membership runs from Jan – Dec each year.
You can pay by month or per annum by secure direct debit, or per annum by BACs or cheque:
- £8 per month for full time tourism businesses (eg accommodation, attractions etc)
- £6 per month for seasonal tourism businesses (only open part of the year)
- £4 per month for non tourism businesses (eg retail, food and drink etc)

To express your interest in joining/renewing your membership you can:
- Easily join/renew online at this page
- Email us at [email protected] or
- telephone Donal Stafford (HPA Chairman and Administrator) on 07903302298 or Martin Rayner (Treasurer) 01237 441916
Want to get involved?
We achieve as much as we do for such little cost by working collaboratively together. We keep costs down by attracting funding and grants to
deliver these professional tools and then doing everything except the graphic design and IT infrastructure voluntarily.
We always need more help! Help us to do even more by joining the hardworking committee. Meetings are once every 4-6 weeks and you can take on jobs from just a few hours a month to much more if you have the time and inclination.
Contact Donal Stafford 07903302298 or [email protected] to discuss.
What we’ve acheived so far
Over the past few years we have:
- created a high quality presence focussed purely on the Hartland Peninsula area
- gained for the Peninsula increased awareness, interest and appreciated amongst targetted groups and individuals
- gained for Hartland businesses increased and sustainable awareness, interest and trade from targetted groups and individuals
- won grant money from Leader4 and Nat West
worked in partnership with many local organisations and individuals including the AONB
- gained ‘Walkers are Welcome’ status for the area
- developed and launched the new www.hartlandpeninsula.co.uk website
- developed 4 heritage trails (downloadable, in print and professional audio quality)
- developed a Treasure Trail (downloadable and in print)
- created a Hartland Peninsula video and two video walks
- created a downloadable brochure
- maintained very active and informative Facebook, Twitter and Blog pages
- written numerous articles
- developed PDF information tools for businesses to provide customers
- gained PR in national, regional and local newspapers and magazines
- continually sourced relevant online PR
- created wildlife surveys and wildlife links
Help us to build on this and do even more throughout 2021 – join!