Clovelly Herring Festival is almost here…

It’s nearly time for Clovelly Herring Festival, which you may think of as simply a tourist attraction but not so.  Herring fishing from Clovelly was referred to in the old Hartland Chronicles from the turn of the last century, and no doubt before. There were reports of millions of herrings being landed at the harbour.

It’s nearly time for Clovelly Herring Festival, which you may think of as simply a tourist attraction but not so.  Herring fishing from Clovelly was referred to in the old Hartland Chronicles from the turn of the last century, and no doubt before. There were reports of millions of herrings being landed at the harbour. Not sure if herrings are so popular these days, in the age of fish fingers, and cod in batter, but read our blog magazine entry to find out how this unlikely fish has inspired a much reviewed and acclaimed popular festival.

Clovelly Herring Festival is almost here…