Hartland Inspires A Hare’s Tale

Having moved to Hartland, from near Tiverton, in January, Devon Artist Clive Brocklehurst has been so inspired by the North Devon coastline that his first published book is set on the Hartland Peninsula.
A watercolour artist, Clive is known for his paintings of hares which along with his other works are sold as prints and greetings cards through his company White Hare Gifts now based in Hartland.

Having moved to Hartland, from near Tiverton, in January, Devon Artist Clive Brocklehurst has been so inspired by the North Devon coastline that his first published book is set on the Hartland Peninsula.
A watercolour artist, Clive is known for his paintings of hares which along with his other works are sold as prints and greetings cards through his company White Hare Gifts now based in Hartland.
Clive explains “I painted a picture of a white hare in the moonlight in 2009 which has become such a popular print and card that I named my stand at town and county shows and now my studio-gallery after it.”
The painting was inspired by a myth that a white hare warns fishermen in the South West of storms at sea so now moving near to the sea Clive was inspired to write a story to explain the myth.
The book is called ‘Assander The White Hare of Hartland’ and tells the story of a hare’s journey from southern Ireland to Devon. Clive says. “The story is about being different and using your natural abilities, but along the way Assander, the hare, gets involved with hunters, smugglers, spirits and Devon people and animals. It’s fast moving and appeals to young and old alike. It’s set around Hartland so you can visit the places mentioned in the book and see where the hare has his adventures”
Author, Clive Brocklehurst

The White Hare of Hartland
The book is available from Clive’s White Hare studio-gallery at 67, The Square,Hartland, online at http://www.whitehare.co.uk or is downloadable as an e-book from http://www.amazon.co.uk
Hartland Inspires A Hare’s Tale