Lana Borrett gives the latest updates for Docton Mill Gardens and Tea Room,which are open this Sunday 6th June as part of the National Garden Scheme weekend.
"This time of year is one of my favourites in the garden. The woodland banks are bursting with Rhododendron and Azalea blooms – a magical area of the garden to enjoy with many varieties of ferns, tall fresh and the brightest of greens. Our summer garden with huge red poppies, vibrant Californian poppies, lilies about to flower and rock roses, is a riot of colour.
The large herbaceous border is reaching its full glory this month with Brother Cadfael and Winchester Cathedral roses set in traditional perennial borders. Hues of pink purple and silver. The Corydalis and Crambes are a must to see.
Our tea room is in full flow with delicious home made soups, sandwiches and lovely fresh salads followed
by scrumptious home made cakes and scones. Come and enjoy our tea terrace surrounded by beautiful planting, it’s a joy.

On Sunday 14th June we are open for the National Garden Scheme all garden proceeds support this extremely worthwhile charity. We look to welcoming you on what promises to be a beautiful summer weekend."